We continue to get many wonderful messages of support from people all over the the country and the state of Arkansas. Our family is so grateful.
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. God called me to preach in 2002 and He also called me into the public arena in 2010 where we have been blessed to win 4 out of 4 state senate general elections in Arkansas. We know God still has tremendous work for us to do as we stand up for God and Country.

This was our first statewide race - we were leading the race for Lt. Governor and expected to win until the last minute entry of Attorney General Rutledge. Unfortunately, it is reported Rutledge spent $6 million dollars out of public funds through her official office doing “public service announcements” which were thinly veiled campaign commercials to raise her name and image in our state. It worked. There was no way any of us could counteract that in just 6 months. We do appreciate everyone who donated, volunteered, and prayed for my campaign. We finished 2nd out of the 6 candidates and raised more money than all the other contenders except Rutledge.
We have important work ahead of us. I will be continuing to lead the National Association of Christian Lawmakers as founder and president and I welcome you to join with us: www.christianlawmakers.com. We have elected officials serving as state chairs in 26 states and now have supporters in 49 states. You would all be welcome to attend our NACL 2022 National Policy Conference - Sanctity of Life, June 23-25, 2022, in Branson, MO. You can register and find out all the details here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/333031404897

We will also continue spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and training Christians to become to become salt and light in their communities by running for public office and serving as leaders in their communities (Gensis 1:26-28). I will also continue standing against the false gods erected in our nation that must come down. We must abolish abortion and restore marriage between one man and one woman according to the Bible. You can follow our ministry at www.holyghostministries.org.
Last, I have been the host of a daily one hour program titled “Save the Nation with Jason Rapert” since August 2, 2021 which now airs on radio, internet livestream, and television. You can watch the livestream everyday at 1pm Central time right here on my FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/JasonRapertForArkansas or watch on GospelTruth.tv which airs worldwide here: https://www.gospeltruth.tv/browse/. You can also listen via podcast via Salem radio here: https://1011fmtheanswer.com/radioshow/save-the-nation-with-jason-rapert
Thank you again for your support. I will be traveling the nation uniting Christians serving in public office at the local, state and federal levels. Please stay connected as we must all stand together to save our great nation!
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.”
Psalm 33:12
We appreciate your prayers and welcome you to partner with our ministry.
In God We Trust,
Jason & Laurie Rapert
I appreciate the stand y’all are taking for Christ! It is refreshing to see some zeal for righteousness, and the saving of the lost! Keep pressing on for Him!
Thanks from a country Preacher serving at a boys home.